Student Consumer Information

In accordance with federal regulations set forth by the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, provides this notice which contains relevant consumer information and the procedures for obtaining this consumer information. St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, military service or any other protected class in its administration of education policies, programs, activities or services; admissions and housing policies; scholarship and loan programs; or employment; except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the Office of Administration.

St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University (Babson Park, Florida), is student and teaching-focused. Located in Laurinburg, North Carolina, a broad range of undergraduate liberal arts and sciences majors are available, to both traditional residential students and adult learners, in a curriculum that is global in scope and practical in its application. The quality of the educational experience has been recognized by U.S. News and World Report, The Princeton Review, and GI Jobs among others. In addition to its many academic programs, there are numerous men’s and women’s athletic teams, an acclaimed university press, a nationally competitive equestrian program, opportunities for international study, and an award-winning pipe band.

Classes challenge the student to think critically and to express ideas clearly and effectively. Emphasis on interdisciplinary study and the acquisition and mastery of communication skills, analytical techniques, problem-solving strategies, leadership skills and creative expression are focal points of the curriculum. Members of the faculty work cooperatively as teachers, mentors, and advisors while maintaining a commitment to scholarship and professional development.


Webber International University
and St. Andrews University
(a branch of Webber International University)
(collectively, The University)

The University’s mission is to offer students an array of business, liberal arts and sciences, and pre-professional programs of study that create a life transforming educational opportunity which is practical in its application, global in its scope, and multi-disciplinary in its general education core. Students will acquire depth of knowledge and expertise in their chosen field of study, balanced by breadth of knowledge across various disciplines, while pursuing a degree at associate, bachelor, or master level. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing oral and written communication, and critical thinking skills. The international quality of the student body enriches personal experience and promotes understanding of international cultures and influences. Through an atmosphere in which self-discipline, creativity and cultivation of ethical standards are enhanced, the University is dedicated to teaching its students the “how to learn, how to think, and how to apply method” to each new challenge.

The University awards degrees at the associate, bachelor and master levels, and offers students educational opportunities at locations in Florida and North Carolina. Traditional classroom, online, and hybrid learning environments are available. Opportunities exist for students to draw on the courses and programs of study at both locations through online courses and/or periods of residence at either campus. Webber’s programs in Florida focus on the worldwide business environment, and emphasize development of skills in administration and strategic planning, applied modern business practices, and entrepreneurship. The St. Andrews locations offer an array of traditional undergraduate liberal arts and sciences and pre-professional programs of study.

Administrative approval: November 17, 2011
Approved by the Webber and St. Andrews Boards of Trustees: December 19, 2011
Revised: February 2014

General information about the University is available throughout the website.

St. Andrews is a branch of Webber International University (1201 N. Scenic Highway, Babson Park, Florida, telephone 1-800-741-1844). Webber International University is accredited by the the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award degrees at the associate, bachelor and master’s levels. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Webber International University. The Elementary Education program at St. Andrews is accredited by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). And the Ride Like A Knight Program has been granted Premier Accredited Center status by PATH, Intl. (the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International).  Information about each of these accreditations can be found on the University website at

Information regarding requirements for admission to an academic program, the transfer student application process and the criteria used regarding transfer credits earned at another institution is available in the Admissions Office, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone 910-277-5555 or 1-800-763-0198, or Descriptions of academic offerings are available at

For more information go to


Each year the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) asks students at hundreds of colleges and universities to reflect on the quality of their educational experiences with special emphasis placed on: the level of academic challenge, active and collaborative learning, student-faculty interaction, supportive campus environment, and enriching educational experiences. The topics explored are linked by previous research on student success in college. With the results from this independent survey, NSSE can provide prospective students with insights into how they might learn and develop at a given college. For more information on NSSE, visit 

Students routinely rank their experiences at St. Andrews, in and out of the classroom, higher than the NSSE national average.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. No one outside the institution shall have access to students’ education records nor will the institution disclose any information from those records without the written consent of student. There are exceptions, such as allowing certain personnel within the institution with legitimate educational interest to view the records, or releasing in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. More information about FERPA may be requested by filling out the Notifications of Rights Under FERPA Form and the Disability Services Form.

Disclosure of Educational Records under the Provisions of FERPA
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Guidance for Eligible Students (February 2011) US DOE

Under FERPA, a school may not generally disclose personally identifiable information from an eligible student’s education records to a third party unless the eligible student has provided written consent. However, there are a number of exceptions to FERPA’s prohibition against nonconsensual disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records. Under these exceptions, schools are permitted to disclose personally identifiable information from education records without consent, though they are not required to do so. Following is general information regarding some of these exceptions.

One of the exceptions to the prior written consent requirement in FERPA allows “school officials,” including teachers, within a school to obtain access to personally identifiable information contained in education records provided the school has determined that they have “legitimate educational interest” in the information. Although the term “school official” is not defined in the statute or regulations, this Office generally interprets the term to include parties such as: professors; instructors; administrators; health staff; counselors; attorneys; clerical staff; trustees; members of committees and disciplinary boards; and a contractor, volunteer or other party to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions.

A school must inform eligible students of how it defines the terms “school official” and “legitimate educational interest” in its annual notification of FERPA rights. A school official generally has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.” (FERPA Guidance, page 3)

Pursuant to the above FERPA Guidance, St. Andrews University designates the following (and any other individuals as may be designated by the CEO under special circumstances) as “school officials” having a “legitimate educational interest” in the information contained in a student’s education records in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities:

  • President & members of the Administrative Council
  • The University’s attorney
  • Faculty and members of the staff of the VP for Academic Affairs (Assoc. and Asst. Deans, Registrar, Coordinator for Disability Services, Director of St. Andrews at Sandhills, and Director of the Center for Academic Success)
  • Dean of Students & Assoc. Dean of Students
  • Assoc. & Asst. Athletic Director
  • Members of committees and disciplinary boards with a need to know
  • Health Staff and Counselors
  • Athletic Trainers are designated school officials for the sole purpose of treating injuries and dealing with athletic emergencies.
  • Financial Aid personnel

Approved by the Administrative Council: October 18, 2011


Detailed voter registration information for North Carolina residents can be found within the North Carolina Secretary of State website. Nonresident students may find voter information about their specific states through the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.


We are committed to assisting students and their families in meeting their financial obligations to the institution. Admissions decisions are based on the applicant’s academic qualifications, not on ability to pay. And, every year, financial aid is awarded to approximately 90% of students. The goal of the Office of Financial Aid is to help students make their education affordable. For more information, contact the Office of Financial Aid, in person in the Morgan Liberal Arts Building on campus, or by phone at 910-277-5778, or by email at Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday- Friday.

Main sources for institutional financial aid are 1) grants, (2) federal loans, (3) part-time employment, and (4) scholarships. Scholarships and grants are portions of the financial aid award that do not have to be repaid, and are made possible by special gifts and income from the University, various state programs, and the federal government. Any student who wishes to receive financial aid from any of the programs administered here must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Supplemental information may be required for some scholarship programs. More information about the scholarship programs at St. Andrews is available on the Financial Aid: Ways to Pay page.


Federal and state grants are awarded based on financial need. These grants include federal sources such as the Federal Pell Grant and state resources such as the North Carolina Need Based Scholarship. Additionally, need-based grants are awarded to qualified individuals.

Information about these grants may be obtained from guidance counselors, independent educational consultants and on the Financial Aid page.


St. Andrews, as a branch of Webber International University, participates in the Federal Direct Lending Program. This program, administered by the US Department of Education, provides for Stafford loans for students and PLUS loans for parents. The Stafford loan may be subsidized (need-based) or unsubsidized (non need-based). These loans are determined after the Office of Student Financial Planning receives a student’s FAFSA. Loan levels are set by the US Department of Education and awarded based on the number of University credits a student has completed. The website provides a variety of additional information on the Financial Aid: Ways to Pay page including information about counseling for student borrowers and the Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans.


St. Andrews, a branch of Webber International University, adheres to the terms of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended by Congress) that require institutions of higher education to establish minimum standards of “Satisfactory Progress” for students receiving financial aid. A student’s eligibility to receive financial aid from federal or state sources is verified upon the initial award. Subsequently, his/her grades and percentage of credits completed are evaluated by the Office of Financial Aid at the end of each semester to ensure that a student has met our definition of satisfactory progress. Please refer to the Academic Catalog.


Information regarding cost of attending can be found on the Tuition Fees and Payment Plans page.
In accordance with federal law, access to a net price calculator is available at

It is important to note that the estimate provided using this calculator does not represent a final determination, or actual award, of financial assistance, or a final net price; it is an estimate based on price of attendance and financial aid provided to students in a previous year. Price of attendance and financial aid availability change year to year. The estimates shall not be binding on the Secretary of Education, the institution of higher education, or the State. Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be eligible for, and receive, an actual financial aid award that includes Federal grants, loans, or work-study assistance.

We subscribe to the principle that the amount of financial aid granted to a student should be based on demonstrated need, which is the difference between the student’s cost of attending the University and the family’s ability to pay. FAFSA uses financial aid data to determine eligibility. Upon receipt of the financial information from the US Department of Education, the Office of Financial Aid estimates the student’s need by subtracting the amount of the family’s contribution from the total cost of attendance, which includes estimated educational expenses of the student, including indirect expenses such as books, personal expenses, and transportation. For additional information, contact Office of Financial Aid, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone 910-277-5778 or


A student who withdraws within the first 60% of the semester will receive a student account adjustment: a percentage that represents the amount of time remaining in the semester, the total institutional charges assessed the student and the Title IV financial aid applied to the student’s account is calculated. See refund policy in the Academic Catalog For additional information, contact Office of Financial Aid, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone 910-277-5778 or email at


If a refund is due a student under the institutional refund policy and the student has received financial aid under any Title IV student financial aid program other than the Federal University Work-Study Program, a portion of the refund will be returned to the Title IV student assistance programs using the following formula:

  • Total amount of Title IV aid less FWS earnings
  • Total amount of aid less FWS earnings

The resulting percentage will be applied to the refund based upon refund policy.


The Disability Services Office coordinates and provides various academic and support services to students with disabilities as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Information is available in the Academic Support Center, located in Pate Hall, phone (910) 277-5667; or by filling out the Disability Services Form.

Full time degree seeking students are encouraged to enrich their educational experience through study abroad. Financial aid might be available. Students who are planning to study abroad should see the Financial Aid Office for the specific information regarding their personal financial aid package prior to making a commitment to study abroad. For more information see the Study Abroad Program.

Statistical information regarding the success of education students can be found on the Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) reporting sites for North Carolina and the federal government.


SEC. 133  of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, states: The purpose of this section is to ensure that students have access to affordable course materials by decreasing costs to students and enhancing transparency and disclosure with respect to the selection, purchase, sale, and use of course materials. It is the intent of this section to encourage all of the involved parties, including faculty, students, administrators, institutions of higher education, bookstores, distributors, and publishers, to work together to identify ways to decrease the cost of college textbooks and supplemental materials for students while supporting the academic freedom of faculty members to select high quality course materials for students.  St Andrews University, A Branch Campus of Webber International University, complies with Sec. 133 by having worked with all involved parties to reduce course material costs to students through the use of a text book loan program. Course materials and textbooks needed for all courses are loaned to students at the beginning of each semester and returned by the students at the end of the semester. Like computer network use, library access and other educational related costs, textbooks and course material is covered by the student’s tuition.


Information regarding student diversity, including race/ethnicity, economics and gender, is located in the Office of Registrar, Institutional Research, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352 . Phone 910-277-3975.


Retention and graduation rates for first-time full-time freshman cohorts are located in the Office of Registrar, Institutional Research, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, Phone 910-277-3975.


St. Andrews is proud to offer 23 Varsity Sports! The sports sponsored are:

  1. Baseball
  2. Men’s Basketball
  3. Women’s Basketball
  4. Men’s Cross Country
  5. Esports
  6. Men’s Golf
  7. Football
  8. Women’s Lacrosse
  9. Men’s Soccer
  10. Women’s Soccer
  11. Softball
  12. Men’s Swimming
  13. Women’s Swimming
  14. Men’s Track and Field
  15. Women’s Volleyball
  16. Men’s Volleyball
  17. Women’s Beach Volleyball
  18. Men’s Wrestling
  19. Women’s Wrestling
  20. Men’s Lacrosse

The Higher Education Act of 1992 mandated that all U.S. institutions receiving Title IV funding complete the IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Survey each year to the National Center for Education Statistics. The IPEDS graduation rate survey data is based on a 6-year graduation rate for each cohort of full-time, first-time degree seeking undergraduates. Each April, in conjunction with the Office of Institutional Studies and Planning, the Office of the Registrar prepares and reports on the graduation rates of student-athletes receiving athletically-related financial aid in a specific cohort. Interested parties can obtain copies of the graduation rates of the current cohort of full-time, first-time degree seeking undergraduate and student-athletes that have received athletic financial aid, from the Office of the Director of Athletics, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone 910-277-5274. The information can also be found on the IPEDS website at

While reviewing this information, please know:

  • All graduation rates are based upon 6 years of attendance which equates to 150% of the normal completion time of our longest program.
  • These charts do not identify the reasons why our students withdrew; therefore, students who withdrew for personal or medical reasons are included.
  • Graduation rates do not include students who left school: to serve in the armed forces, on official church missions, with a foreign aid service of the federal government or students who died or were totally disabled.

The University also sponsors competitive opportunities in its equestrian program:

  • Competitive opportunities with hunter/jumper, dressage, western, Show Team, and Schooling Team.
  • Competition is through the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA), American National Riding Commission (ANRC), Intercollegiate Dressage Association (IDA).

Information on our Discrimination and Sexual Harassment polices can be found on the Title IX Information page.

Information on placement and on the types of employment obtained by graduates is located in the Placement of Graduates Report. This report also includes information on the graduate and professional schools graduates are attending. For more information, contact Career Services, St. Andrews. 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone 910-277-5331.


Information on placement and on the types of employment obtained by graduates is located in the Placement of Graduates Report. This report also includes information on the graduate and professional schools graduates are attending. For more information, contact Career Services, St. Andrews. 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone 910-277-5331.

All students enrolled in more than 3 credit hours must provide proof of immunizations as required by North Carolina statute G.S. 130A-155. Health and Wellness, in conjunction with the Scotland County Health Department, can assist students in obtaining necessary immunizations. You may print out a copy of the Health Information Summary and Physical.

The Health Information Summary and Physical must include a health history, current immunization records and a physical and be completed, signed by the student’s doctor and returned to the Health Center before registering for classes. Students who participate in the athletic or equestrian programs must provide additional activity related medical information. More information is available at the website listed above or by contacting the Health and Wellness Center, DeTamble Library, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC28352; phone (910) 277-5040.


Students have access to the campus computer network. Policies exist to protect one’s right to privacy and allow for a free exchange of ideas and information. Specific policies are outlined in the student handbook.


We respect copyright laws and will not tolerate any unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, illegal downloading, or other inappropriate use of the University’s information technology system. Civil and criminal penalties for violation of federal copyright laws are applicable. Additionally, specific policies are outlined in the student handbook.


The Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs is published annually in the Student Handbook, The Saltire. Student conduct regulations prohibit the unlawful use, possession, sale, delivery, manufacturing, consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs by students and student organizations. Other alcohol-related and drug-related misconduct is also prohibited. Sanctions are detailed for students who violate this policy. These policies may be found in the student handbook.

We are also committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace and educational environment. A full statement is available in our current version of the academic catalog.


Effective communication is one of the major challenges in emergency management. We have a comprehensive emergency notification system including on campus phone voicemail and email. Details are available through the Department of Campus Safety and Security, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, phone (910) 277-5112 or on the Campus Safety page as well as, in the student handbook.


The primary concern of the Department of Campus Security is the safety and security of all members of the campus community. In compliance with U.S. Department of Education Rules and Regulations CFR 34, Part 668.46 which is commonly referred to as the Jeanne Clery Act, we post crime statistics and other important information such as current campus policies concerning security of and access to campus facilities, programs offered to inform students and employees about crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. This website contains complete on-campus crime statistics as well as the number of reports of alcohol, drug and weapons violations referred to the Student Judicial system. Paper copies of this report are available upon request from the Department of Campus Safety and Security, 1700 Dogwood Mile, Laurinburg, NC 28352, (910)277-5112. More information is available on the Campus Safety page or in the student handbook.


Fire alarm systems are installed in all residential halls. Fire safety is addressed on campus with regular fire drills, and there are lists of approved appliances, with compliance expected. Details are available through the Department of Campus Safety and Security on the Campus Safety page as well as, the Office of Student Affairs found on the Life on Campus page as well as, the student handbook.


  • Any individual on campus who has information that a residential student may be missing must notify Campus Safety and Security as soon as possible.
  • Campus Safety and Security will contact the Office of Student Affairs if during office hours; or will call the resident director on duty if after hours. Office of Student Affairs Staff and Campus Safety and Security Staff will gather information about the residential student from the reporting person and from any of the student’s acquaintances:
    • Description
    • Clothes last worn
    • Where student might be
    • Who student might be with
    • Vehicle description
    • Information about the physical and mental well being of the student
    • Up-to-date photograph
    • Class schedule
  • Appropriate campus staff will be notified to aid in the search for the student.
  • If the above actions are unsuccessful in locating the student within 24 hours of the report or if it is immediately apparent that the student is a missing person (i.e., witnessed abduction), Campus Safety and Security will contact the Laurinburg Police Department to report the student as a missing person and Laurinburg Police Department will take over the investigation.
  • No later than 24 hours after determining that a residential student is missing, the Dean of Students or a designee will notify the emergency contact (*for students 18 and over) or the parent/guardian (for students under the age of 18) that the student is believed to be missing. *Contact is contingent upon the correct emergency contact information being made available by the student.
  • Senior University Administration will be notified in accordance with this policy.


The comparison institutions represent a diverse mix of characteristics:

  1. All offer liberal arts and sciences programs
  2. Some are single-sex, and others co-educational
  3. Most are colleges, but some are universities
  4. Many have a religious heritage, while others do not
  5. Some offer only undergraduate degrees, while others also offer graduate degrees
  6. They represent a wide range of enrollments
InstitutionWeb Address
Belmont Abbey
Coker College (SC)
Davis & Elkins College (WV)
Erskine College (SC)
Queens University of
Warren Wilson


In all cases, it is to be understood that the institutional mission is the point of departure for planning (all activities / plans / objectives / outcomes support and advance the mission of the institution in some appropriate way). Many disciplines, units, offices or programs will also have their own mission statement indicating the way(s) in which they support and advance the University’s Mission.

The focus of institutional effectiveness is on a shared commitment to continuous improvement over time – a commitment to keep trying to do a better job of (a) helping students master desired learning outcomes; or (b) delivering services in ever more effective ways, etc.

The Assessment and Planning Cycle
Mission > plan with desired objectives or outcomes > assessment > specific improvements where assessment indicates the need > new plan > another assessment > more improvements > and the cycle continues on a permanent, ongoing basis

This process reflects, facilitates, and documents, the University’s commitment to continuous quality improvement over time in all academic and administrative areas of the University.

Planning and Evaluation Process
From Department / Discipline / Office through Institutional Review:

  • A planning and evaluation process that is ongoing, integrated, institution-wide, systematic and research-based.
  • It is a continuous, cyclical process that includes all programs, services and constituencies.
  • The process is linked to decision-making and budgeting up to the institutional level.
  • Information-driven decision-making is vital (informed by research & data).
  • The focus is on continuous improvement over time.
  • Documentation and linking of every stage in the process.

Learning Outcomes
The focus of assessment (especially academic) is on outcomes, not processes. In the academic area, that means learning outcomes – the assessment of what students are actually learning. Learning outcomes are determined by each academic discipline /program of study / major, and are consonant with and supportive of the institution’s Mission.

A Schematic of the Basic Planning and Evaluation Cycle


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website contains important information for students and parents about scholarship scams. The FTC cautions the use of scholarship service agencies that say such things as:

  • “This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back.”
  • “You can’t get this information anywhere else.”
  • “I need your credit card number or bank account number to hold your scholarship.”
  • “We’ll do all the work.”
  • “The scholarship will cost some money.”
  • “You’ve been selected by a ‘national foundation’ to receive a scholarship.”
  • “You’re a finalist” in a contest you never entered.

If you believe you have been a victim of scholarship fraud, wish to file a complaint, or want more information, call 1(877)382-4357 or see the Scholarship Scams page.