Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry

Honoring Twenty-Three Years of Dedicated Service for St. Andrews

Welcome to the Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry Page. Please read the letter below from St. Andrews Alumnus, Pete Peery ’69, to learn more about the registry, the new Occupational Therapy Assisting Lab, and how you can contribute to help honor President Baldasare for over twenty-three years of service to St. Andrews. The Legacy Registry is listed below, along with instructions on how to make a gift towards the new OTA Lab.

Instructions for Making A Contribution

You can view the Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry below, which includes all items needed for the new OTA lab and the costs of each. Please note, you do not have to donate the entire cost of any particular item but can contribute any desired amount towards a specific item. Any donations made toward a specific item will be recognized by the donor’s name on the item. If you would like to donate the full cost or a partial amount of any item, please note the item’s number on the registry.

  1. View the remaining items from the Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry below, and then visit the Giving page on the St. Andrews website to make your gift
  2. Enter your information in the “One-Time Donation” form.
  3. In the “Area of Support” box, please select the Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry.
  4. In the “Comments” box, please note the number and name of the item you would like to contribute towards.
  5. For the donation amount, please select “Other Donation Amount” and enter in the amount you would like to contribute towards an item or the full cost.

Please note, St. Andrews will be actually purchasing the items required for the lab, but your contribution will go toward directly covering that cost.

The Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry Remaining Items

Item #Item DescriptionLab Cost
3Electric Hospital Bed$2,225
6Pediatric Positioning System$2,950
21Intellect Legend Therapy System$2,900
25Rainbow Folding Mats$760
33Portable Forma Splint Pan$1,620
366 Master Mite Heat Guns @ $265 each$1,590
41O’Connor Tweezer Dexterity Test$1,620

Learn More about St. Andrews Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy Assisting With a Minor in Health Services Administration

st andrews university
May 22, 2020

Dear friends of St. Andrews,

It is my opinion that without Paul Baldasare accepting the Presidency of our beloved St. Andrews the school would no longer be in existence. In a dire time in its history Paul, accepted the call to the office. That bold choice, which only came out of devotion to SA, and Paul’s perseverance and steller leadership have made all the difference.

For the past 23 years, Paul Baldasare has put the needs of the St. Andrews community above his own. Before making decisions impacting the university, he asked the campus community for their perspectives and listened to their opinions. Then he went out to gain the resources necessary to implement those decisions. Paul is a servant leader who has guided the SAU community through some difficult times as its Campus President and Vice President for Institutional Advancement. As of May 31st, Paul will retire, leaving St. Andrews positioned to grow in the future, particularly with its new Health Science Department.

The Health Science Department offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Assisting with a minor in Health Services Administration (BSOTA). In the near future, Scotland County, the state of North Carolina, and other states will have SAU alumni as health care workers, people who think critically, analyze and solve problems, communicate effectively, work in diverse teams, and use their voices to make a difference in their community and the world. In a new world of COVID 19, health care heroes with the benefits of a liberal arts education will be in great demand. However, both nursing and occupational therapy assisting are capital intensive programs. Each program requires two labs, equipped with an extensive list of equipment and supplies. As he has always done, Paul has reached out to gain some of the resources necessary to launch these new programs.

SAU’s community partner, Scotland Memorial Healthcare System was one of the first to contribute towards the building of the nursing simulation lab. Recently, The Golden Leaf Foundation approved a $500,000 grant to build one of the two BSOTA labs and the BSN clinical lab. In recognition of his dedication to obtaining essential resources, St. Andrews will name one of the BSOTA labs, the Paul Baldasare Occupational Therapy Assisting Lab. This teaching and learning space will be a legacy of Paul’s servant leadership at St. Andrews. However, we need your help to equip the BSOTA laboratory.

Enclosed is some information about the BSOTA program, and architectural renderings of what the OTA lab will look like when finished. As you can see, the classroom is built around the rooms of a house as students learn to help infants through seniors attain a higher level of independent living. We ask that you look through the Paul Baldasare legacy registry, select, and fund, or partially fund a gift. You may want to join some of your classmates, faculty, staff, or community members to fund a gift. Your gift will recognize the legacy Paul leaves behind, will help launch the new Health Science programs, support future growth of St. Andrews, and aid students in becoming successful SAU alumni health care workers. Information about how to select and fund your gift is enclosed. I hope that you will have the opportunity to gather on the campus in November to thank Paul for his many contributions to St. Andrews during the dedication of the BSOTA lab during the SAU Homecoming the weekend November 13-15, 2020.

Grace and peace,

The Paul Baldasare Legacy Registry Donors

Ruth M. Willett ’50

Roy ’63 & Vivian ’63 Phelps

Milton ’64 & Nancy ’63 Spann

Richard LeGrand ’66

Mary T. Hammond ’67
Barbara McLean ’67
Mary Raine ’67

Ted ’69 & Cathy ’69 McCormack
Susan Sturkie ’69 

Wayne ’71 & Deborah  ’73 Hobbs
Mildred K. Mielke ’71
Robert Schurke ’71 

Henry ’73 & Elisabeth ’72 Hall

Roderick Brown ’74

Tim Rand ’75

Nancy Piston ’76

Dell Alford ’77
M. Gertrude Beal ’77
Damon W. Byrd ’77
Richard ’77 & Betsy Massy ’77

Eramus Hardee ’78
Larry Peterson ’78
Cliff Summers ’78

Lilia Vazquez-Hunter ’85

Janice L. Adamson ’88

Heath ’66 & Margaret ’91 Rada 

Allen ’92 and Meg ’91 Johnson

Daniel Kelliher ’94 

Jennifer Sink ’95

Jeremy Calbreth’96 & Debbie Messmer ’96

Caitlin N. Johnston ’09

St. Andrews Friends & Contributors

Ellen Bernhardt
Warren & Jeri Board