Student Activities

Opportunities to exercise leadership skills and abilities are also available at St. Andrews. 

Many positions exist in the Student Government Association. Also, each club and organization has its own set of officers. One of the officers or members of each club is a part of the Leadership Council, which meets monthly to discuss issues facing student organizations, keep open the lines of communication, plan campus-wide programs, and receive on-going leadership training for themselves and their organizations.


Campus Events

Many opportunities for involvement in social activities are provided for St. Andrews students. Catering to a diverse student body, St. Andrews offers something for everyone. An array of social events sponsored by residence halls, the Knights Activity Planning Committee, and other clubs and organizations fill the calendar. Movies, parties, dances, athletic events, performing artists, comedians, novelty/variety shows, and intramural competitions are all highly anticipated events. GANZA is a weeklong event held annually every spring with many traditional, fun events scheduled throughout the week.


The Wall

st. andrews wall

The Wall is a primary venue for free expression. The purpose of “The Wall” is to offer members of the community a venue for expression. Community members are allowed to paint on the white surfaces of the wall on the east side of the lake only.

Painting elsewhere on campus will be considered vandalism and misuse of College property and will be dealt with appropriately. Any expression is acceptable as long as it is not a personal/slanderous attack or profane for profanity’s sake. The front part of the wall, facing the Belk Center building is reserved at all times for the Student Activities.

The History of the Wall

“In the spring of 1968, with social ferment gathering on the campus and throughout the country, a happening occurred at St. Andrews. Two students, armed with paint and brushes, stole out into the night. They were on a stealth mission, keeping invisible so as not to be seen by the campus policeman, “Jet” Jackson… The students painted a wall which was clearly visible as one walked across the causeway over the lake from the academic side of campus.

Whatever message that was painted there would be clear to all. By painting successfully and anonymously that spring night, the students transformed a wall into The Wall. It became an immediate hit and subsequent student graffiti focused on the way, civil rights, student rights, birthdays, and the potpourri of life at St. Andrews, a tradition that continues even today.”

Excerpt from “Rock the Boat” written by Joe Ingle Class of ’68.

Below is a list of clubs for the 2024-25 academic year

Art Club

Black Student Union (BSU)

Chess Club

Christian Student Union

Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA)

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Fishing Club

Fortner Writers’ Forum


Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

International Student Union (ISU)

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)

Knights Activities Planning (KAP)

Knights Ambassadors Club

Knights 4 Health

Medici Society

National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

Pre-Med Club

Pre-Vet Club

Psychology Club

Riding Council

Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)

St. Andrews Press (The Cairn, Chapbook)

Science Club

Sigma Beta Delta

Student Government Association (SGA)

Tennis Club

Therapeutic Horsemanship Club
