Elementary Education (B.A.)

It takes a big heart to shape little minds.

Elementary school teachers have the power to shape the future. 

The B.A. program in Education with a specialization in Elementary Education prepares students to teach using a myriad of methods and strategies that promote student achievement and success in children at the K-6 grade levels. Students will learn fundamental elements of teaching at the elementary level,  and child development, using a Learner-Centered teaching model. Program curriculum also focuses on instruction in educational technology and digital teaching and learning.

The Influence of a Good Teacher Can Never Be Erased

Program Highlights:

  • Hands-on experience through exposure to a variety of educational settings and environments
  • Internship opportunities in local area schools
  • Small class sizes for individual instruction
  • Professors with real-world experience and knowledge of current educational trends

Career Opportunities

Graduates of  Education can seek employment with:

Public School or Private School Teaching

Writers or Editors

Program Managers

Educational Consultants

Educational Sales Representatives

Instructional Designers

Adult Literacy Teachers at Community Colleges

Instructional Coaches

Private Tutors


Health or Recreational Trainers

Youth Camp Directors