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Future Eagle Scouts Choose St. Andrews for Beautification Projects & Restore Writers’ Path Benches

By: Mary McDonald ’79 & Alex Varisco ’18 If you visit campus to see the fall colors anytime soon, you may notice beautiful new benches and scenic improvements in the Flora Macdonald Garden. The Flora Macdonald Memorial Garden was dedicated in April of 1996 as part of the St. Andrews Centennial Celebration marking 100 years since the founding of Flora Macdonald College in 1896. It honors the students, faculty, and staff of FMC and is a reminder of the beautiful garden created by Dr. Vardell on the Red Springs campus.

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A female psychology student holds a laptop next to a window

What Can You Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology?

Earning a degree in psychology prepares you to help understand human behavior and can lead to many career opportunities. According to the American Psychological Association, a degree in psychology is one of the most popular degrees to choose from. Students understand that psychology affects every aspect of our lives, making way for your degree to be put to good use in whatever profession you choose.  Learning more about how people think and react to certain situations can help you in your future career. Psychology is an essential part of everyday

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3 equestrians with their horses posing for a photo outside

What Does an Equine Business Management Degree Offer?

Horses have been an important part of our society for centuries. While they once were our primary means of transportation, they now contribute to our everyday lives in recreation, sport, business, and therapy. Many Equine Business Management majors work full time in the equine industry as teachers, trainers, riders, appraisers, retail store owners, barn managers, coaches, or therapists. Earning a degree in Equine Management is a great way to share your love for horses as well as enter an exciting career. Equine Business Management Students who study Equine Business Management

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The Raider-Knight Connection….The Hun/SA Ambassador

By: Mick Meisel ’76 Enticed by the qualities of a new college campus, athletic opportunities, small classes and an exceptional faculty-student ratio, Craig Hannas arrived in Laurinburg as a freshman in the fall of 1967. He graduated with the St. Andrews Presbyterian College (SA) Class of 1971 and returned to New Jersey where he taught at The Hun School of Princeton for a decade. In 1982, he returned to his Alma mater as Dean of Students. Craig’s education laid the foundation for him to teach English Literature, Grammar, and Composition

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Male and female business managers walk down a hallway

Top 7 Careers for a Business Administration Major

The demand is high for business professionals all over the world. Not only will a business administration major help you learn business skills, but it also opens up doors in countless industries. Every group, from a small non-profit to a large Fortune 100 corporation, needs help in business administration. The business administration program at St. Andrews allows you to focus on one of five areas of study: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, or Marketing. Becoming a Business Administration major from St. Andrews University is just the first step to a long

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Life Lessons at St. Andrews

By Jed Hawkes Koball ’95 Three of the most important lessons I learned at St. Andrews, I learned before the end of my first week on campus. Dr. Dick Prust, professor of Philosophy, was my SAGE instructor that year. His first writing assignment for us was to justify the courses we had chosen for our first semester of study. Having taken Calculus I in high school, I had the option to take Calculus II with upper class students. My approach, however, was to ease my way into the rigors of

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A BSN nursing student wearing blue scrubs stands in front of other students

What is the Difference Between ADN and BSN Nursing?

Choosing a career in nursing is a wise decision for anyone wanting a long-lasting and fulfilling career. Nurses are the backbone of the medical field and often have the most contact with patients. Having a strong desire to help others as well as interest in medicine is why many students choose to nurse and pursue a BSN nursing degree. There are many options and pathways to becoming a nurse. In your own experience at the doctor’s office or another medical facility, you may have noticed a difference in employee name

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FEMA: Final Public Notice

FINAL PUBLIC NOTICE (PDF) FINAL PUBLIC NOTICE St. Andrews University has applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA) Program funding through North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) as a sub- recipient.   Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) ,federal actions must be reviewed and evaluated for feasible alternatives and for social, economic, historic, environmental, legal, and safety considerations. Under Executive Order (EO) 11988 and EO 11990, FEMA is required to consider alternatives, and to provide a public notice of any proposed actions in or affecting floodplains or

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Four nurses in scrubs stand outside a hospital entrance

What Can You Do with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing?

People desiring to enter the field of nursing often believe that nursing is a calling, not just a career path. They have a deep desire to help others. Although as a nurse you will be able to help others, nursing is also a very flexible, competitive, and rewarding profession. Graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from St Andrews University is the first step in achieving a long and fulfilling career in healthcare. There is a high demand for bachelor’s prepared Registered Nurses, and graduates of St. Andrews University Bachelor

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An occupational therapist assistant helping a child with their movement

What Does an Occupational Therapy Assistant Do on a Daily Basis?

Many of us take for granted the movements that our body naturally does throughout the day. We often don’t think twice about getting up out of bed, getting dressed, or walking to the kitchen. It isn’t until we have an injury, surgery, or aches and pains that we notice how much we use our fingers, hands, or joints and limbs for daily function. Occupational therapy is a vital resource for patients, both young and old, who need help teaching their bodies how to perform meaningful, daily tasks, and routines. So,

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