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Improving Online Learning: MBA Professors Share Best Practices at SoTL Conference

Get ready for some exciting news from St. Andrews Dr. Wayne Freeman and Dr. Chris Hitch, two notable MBA program professors who recently presented their research at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Commons International Conference in Savannah, Georgia. Their presentation, entitled “Constructivism and Asynchronous Learning: Ten Research-Based and Field-Tested Best Practices,” was exceptionally well received by the audience. Annually conducted at Georgia Southern University’s Faculty Center, the conference provides a unique opportunity to network and learn from other scholars. Drs. Freeman and Hitch centered their presentation on the

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How to Graduate Like a Knight: A Guide to the Last Few Months of College

Throughout my time in college, I have always had the goal of graduating, completing the journey I began 4 years ago, and getting my bachelor’s degree. There have been many ups and downs throughout my college career, but now it is beginning to come to an end. There are many things that I need to prepare for. These 4 years have been preparing me with the skills and experiencing that will give me the ability to achieve my goals in life. It can get overwhelming when you think about life

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Introducing the St. Andrews Campus President

St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, today announced that Dr. Tarun Malik has been appointed Campus President effective March 1st, 2023.  Dr. Malik holds a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, a Master of Science in Hospitality Administration, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.  His dissertation, College Success: First Year Seminar’s Effectiveness in Freshmen Academic and Social Integration, and Impact on Academic Achievement and Retention in a Southern Institution, addresses some of the same questions St. Andrews has been studying in recent years.  In a multi-decade

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A Survival Guide For A Long-Distance College Relationship

Are you planning to attend college next fall? You might be preparing to leave your family and friends and planning to decorate your dorm which can be a little stressful. You might have a significant other, but after senior activities, graduation, and a fun-filled summer, the inevitable question comes knocking at your door. The one you have been dreading and avoiding all year. Are we going to stay together in college? For some of you, the answer might be no, which is okay and understandable. You want to embark on

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If You Dream It! You Can Achieve It!

Growing up, I knew I wanted to become a nurse. I imagined myself working in a hospital and taking care of people at the bedside. I could see myself wearing the starched white uniform and old-fashioned nursing cap that were shown on the now older television shows. I knew that it would be a tough battle to become a nurse. I had several strikes against me accomplishing my dreams. Firstly, I did not personally know anyone that was a nurse. Having a role model can be a powerful tool in

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portrait of Dr. Ash Walker

American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) Elects Ash Walker, DHSc., MA, ACSM-RCEP, FAACVPR 2022-2023 President

NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release October 11, 2022 American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) Elects Ash Walker, DHSc., MA, ACSM-RCEP, FAACVPR 2022-2023 President Chicago, Ill.—The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) is pleased to announce its newly elected president of the Board of Directors, Ash Walker, DHSc., MA, ACSM-CEP, FAACVPR. Dr. Walker assumed the role from immediate past-president Amy Knight, PhD, ABPP at the 37th AACVPR Annual Meeting, on Friday, September 23 in West Palm Beach, Florida. The Board of Directors is the governing body for

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Author: Karen Mountain St. Andrews University is a home for many students from all over the world. The athletic program as well as academics allows students to come from many states and countries. These students, like many students nationwide, help local economy providing a boost to local economies. Why come to America to study?  Business programs top the list.  With Information Technology coming in at the bottom.  These top 10 fields are readily available at colleges through the nation.  So why choose such a small school like St. Andrews?  What

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Professor Candace Langston

Exercise Physiologist Career

This is third and final article in the series (see the St. Andrews University website for articles 1 and 2) of articles exploring careers for sports performance, health, and fitness majors within the exercise.  The exercise industry continues to thrive and opportunities to help people improve their health will continue to manifest in a range of diverse careers.  One career possibility is working as an Exercise Physiologist. Where do these positions exist?  Fitness facilities employ exercise physiologists to design exercise prescriptions from populations ranging from athletes to older adults.  These

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