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Internet & Email

Thursday, September 27th, 2018 | 11:00 AM Internet and email services now operational During the hurricane and the loss of power, the SAU website remained accessible as it was powered off campus. However, when power was lost on campus, the internet and email service were down, and our telephones were not working so access other than through social media or other email accounts was difficult. Now that power has been restored to most of the campus including the residence dorms and the Information Technology office is again operational, campus telephones

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Campus Update

Update Although power has been restored to both sides of campus, there are several areas of campus in which considerable work must be done before they can be brought back on line. Specifically, the buildings that received the most damage and still require the most work are the Morgan-Jones Science Center and the Belk Student Center. It will take several more days to dry them out sufficiently before power will be turned on to these buildings. Faculty offices and classrooms in Morgan-Jones will be reassigned temporarily to other locations on

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September 24, 2018 Update: Power Restored; Classes to resume! I’m pleased to report that classes on the St. Andrews University campus will resume on a regular schedule beginning Monday, October 1, 2018. Students may return to campus on Sunday, September 30, 2018, and meal service will begin with breakfast on Monday morning. All faculty and staff are expected to return to work on Wednesday, September 26, 2018. While electrical power has been restored to the St. Andrews campus, air conditioning is not yet operational but is being serviced so that

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Message from Our President on Current Conditions

Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 | 3:00PM St. Andrews physical plant staff, our electrical contractor and our disaster recovery contractors have been working through the weekend.  Electrical power has been restored to the residential side of campus.  Power from off campus flows through the residential side of campus before it goes across the lake to the academic side.  Now, work is underway to bring the power up to our academic buildings.  However, several electrical switch gear rooms in some academic buildings must be dried out before power can be extended. In

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Pastoral Message from SAU Chaplain

Rev. Dr. J. Henery University Chaplain;  Director of Communications 21 Sept. 2018 As do many St. Andrews faculty and staff, I wear a few different “hats” on campus, but the one I am now sharing is my role as your university chaplain with a pastoral message for our community. Too many years ago and in seminary in Chicago, I briefly studied with an extraordinary woman who had developed a five-stage theory about how we deal with death or suffering or loss.  She was Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and her theory was that

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Hurricane Relief 9/20

9/20/18 Thursday 11:30 AM Today (9/20), the disaster recovery company we’ve hired to lead our efforts to mitigate water damage in our buildings, as well as clean up and remove debris, is set up on campus with equipment and staff and is actively working.  At this point, the work is focused on the cafeteria and kitchen in the Belk Student Center and the first floor of the Morgan-Jones Science Center.  Repair work is already underway at the Equestrian Center farm house and other areas that suffered wind and rain damage during the storm. We

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Hurricane Relief

9/18/18 Tuesday 5:30 PM Clean up on campus is well underway today (9/18) and progress is being made.  The rain has stopped and Lake Moore has receded considerably.  Our staff and outside contractors are hard at work trying to restore power; drying out the cafeteria, kitchen and other areas on campus that received the most water damage; and getting all essential services back up and running.  We are eager to get students back to campus as soon as possible.  We do not have a specific timetable for re-opening yet, but will give everyone at

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9/17/18 Monday 3:30 PM As of this afternoon (9/17), the St. Andrews campus remains without power, but the city is making significant progress in restoring water city-wide, including at St. Andrews.  No students remain on campus; all have been successfully moved to their homes or to temporary residences with power, water and internet connections.  The lake overflow is rapidly receding and damage assessment is underway with the help of a disaster recovery company. While the equestrian center sustained some wind and rain damage, all of our horses are safe, being

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9/16/18 Sunday   11:00 PM Today, Laurinburg and Scotland County experienced significant amounts of rain and some flooding in various parts of our local community.  On the St. Andrews campus Lake Moore overflowed its banks in several low lying areas resulting in water entering the ground floors of the Morgan Jones Science Center, the Belk Student Center and the Morgan Liberal Arts Building.  All residence halls and other academic and athletic buildings remain dry and well above water levels. However, power was lost to the campus at approximately 5:30pm, but efforts

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