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How a mother’s gamble sparked thousands of scholarships

{The following story about St. Andrews alumna Reeta Roy ‘86 appeared in the Toronto Star, Canada.  It was written by Catherine Porter.  St. Andrews has received permission to reprint it in its entirety by following the link.} How a mother’s gamble sparked thousands of scholarships Two themes run through Reeta Roy’s family story. One is hard work; the other is migration. Roy’s father, Durgadas, grew up in Dhaka, then capital of India’s Eastern Bengal province. During the 1947 Partition, the Hindu family fled as refugees to Calcutta, where Durgadas was studying medicine.

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PepsiCo Recycling Zero Impact Fund Update

What a difference a year makes!  Last April, St. Andrews had been selected as one of 19 recipients (out of 60 proposals) for the PepsiCo Recycling Zero Impact fund and received funding for a collaborative campus venture among the Student Government Association, Office of Student Affairs and SAU Leadership.  The grant would be used to initiate a campus-wide recycling project that the Green Knight Initiative Committee would oversee. Jump to March, 2019, and the results of that recycling venture on campus powered by the Green Knight Initiative are on course to divert an estimated

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PepsiCo Recycling Zero Impact Fund Update

What a difference a year makes!  Last April, St. Andrews had been selected as one of 19 recipients (out of 60 proposals) for the PepsiCo Recycling Zero Impact fund and received funding for a collaborative campus venture among the Student Government Association, Office of Student Affairs and SAU Leadership.  The grant would be used to initiate a campus-wide recycling project that the Green Knight Initiative Committee would oversee. Jump to March, 2019, and the results of that recycling venture on campus powered by the Green Knight Initiative are on course to divert an estimated

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Science Olympiad’s regional competitions will be held at St. Andrews University on March 30

Now in its 35thyear, one of the Science Olympiad’s regional competitions will be held at St. Andrews University on March 30.  Junior high students from nine different school across the Carolinas will compete in events from Anatomy and Physiology to Battery Buggy.  Beginning at 9 a.m., 23 events will be held.  However, the best part of the event is sure to be the awards ceremony.  Teammates from each school excitedly cheer one another on.  The top teams will advance to the state competition held in Raleigh, NC. In an effort to gain prospective students, as

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Science Olympiad’s regional competitions will be held at St. Andrews University on March 30

Now in its 35thyear, one of the Science Olympiad’s regional competitions will be held at St. Andrews University on March 30.  Junior high students from nine different school across the Carolinas will compete in events from Anatomy and Physiology to Battery Buggy.  Beginning at 9 a.m., 23 events will be held.  However, the best part of the event is sure to be the awards ceremony.  Teammates from each school excitedly cheer one another on.  The top teams will advance to the state competition held in Raleigh, NC. In an effort to gain prospective students, as

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St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, was among 24 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities that competed in the recent Ethics Bowl

St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, was among 24 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities that competed in the recent Ethics Bowl held Feb. 8-9 at the North Carolina Legislative complex in Raleigh. St. Andrews students collectively explored the theme of “Ethics and the Environment.”  Under the guidance of campus coordinators Dr. Tanner Capps and Dr. Tim Verhey, this debate experience came as part of a St. Andrews Demi I course called “Debating Ethical Dilemmas,” an innovative new class that introduces students to ethical concepts and public argument

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St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, was among 24 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities that competed in the recent Ethics Bowl

St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, was among 24 North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities that competed in the recent Ethics Bowl held Feb. 8-9 at the North Carolina Legislative complex in Raleigh. St. Andrews students collectively explored the theme of “Ethics and the Environment.”  Under the guidance of campus coordinators Dr. Tanner Capps and Dr. Tim Verhey, this debate experience came as part of a St. Andrews Demi I course called “Debating Ethical Dilemmas,” an innovative new class that introduces students to ethical concepts and public argument

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Spring classes begin January 7th!