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St. Andrews Swimming collects Scholar All-America status

[St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, was among one of the 33 teams that achieved Scholar All-America status for the first time. To receive this honor, the team is required to obtain a 3.0 or higher GPA for the fall semester.  Information about this recognition was provided by the College Swimming and Diving Coaches Association of America news release.] The College Swimming and Diving Coaches Association of America (CSCAA) Colorado Springs, CO, has selected a record 713 teams from 460 institutions to the Scholar All-America Team for

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St. Andrews University Announces Three Major Curriculum Additions

St. Andrews University announces three major curriculum additions to their growing list of majors and degrees beginning with the fall 2019 term.  They are:  Bachelor of Science in Biology with Specialization in Biomedical Sciences;  Bachelor of Arts in Sport Management;  Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Pre-Doctor of Physical Therapy. According to Dr. John Knesel, Natural and Life Sciences Department Chair, “We are pleased to be able to offer a more focused major to the increasing number of students who are interested in pursuing a career

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St. Andrews students and staff increase United Way giving

Scotland County’s recent United Way campaign realized their goal of $280,000 and St. Andrews was not only a positive contributor, but Dr. Elizabeth Hernandez, Assistant Dean of Students, served as the co-chair for the annual campaign. SAU Pledges increased by 32% from 2018 to 2019 and was the highest amount raised by SAU since 2008. Additionally, St Andrews students and staff provided over 132 hours of service through the United Way in 2018. United Way supports positive change through 26 impact programs at 18 local nonprofit agencies. Contributions stay local

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St. Andrews University Equestrian coach and instructor Carla Wennberg awarded IHSA Lifetime Achievement

IHSA Western Coach Carla Wennberg was awarded the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Lifetime Achievement Award at the annual board meeting in Florida.  The IHSA Lifetime Achievement Award began in 1993 to honor members who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, commitment and exemplary service to the association. She joins a long list of outstanding horsemen and women who have been recognized by IHSA for their selfless commitment to the organization. These include St. Andrews Director of Equestrian Programs, Peggy McElveen, who earned the award in 2017. “I was surprised to receive this award,“ Wennberg said. “I think

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Graduating Seniors, MBA’s and Parents

Because of Hurricane Florence and our almost three-week late fall semester conclusion, the spring semester is also starting one week later (Jan. 16) which has moved Commencement to one week later, now scheduled for May 11 (a Saturday) and Baccalaureate for May 10 (a Friday).  These changes were communicated in late September and students were notified. We have recently learned that a major concert is also scheduled in nearby Rockingham for the same weekend and hotels are already being booked.  For example, most rooms in Laurinburg are already reserved. If

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Spring Semester Changes and Information from Dr. Tim Verhey, Dean of S​tudents.

Dear Students, Congratulations on completing (or nearly completing) this long and challenging semester. I hope you all have a wonderful break, enjoying family, friends, and a lot of sleep. Over the holiday, we will be getting ready for your return in January. One change you will notice when you return is a new location for the Dining Hall. The small gym has been less than ideal this semester. So, over the break, we will be moving the mobile kitchen behind Belk (and hopefully getting an additional kitchen). Meals will be served in

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St. Andrews students to lay wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Solider, Arlington National Cemetery

St. Andrews students and faculty member Dr. Kevin Phillipson completed the necessary arrangements with Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. to be part of the prestigious wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. This ceremony is memorial in purpose and patriotic in nature and conducted for nonpartisan patriotic groups only when permission is granted by the Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery. The students will be in Washington, D.C. following Thanksgiving as they tour various sites.  Dr. Phillipson submitted a request for the Nov. 25 occasion and the 1.15 p.m.

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