
First Year Students

St. Andrews University, a branch of Webber International University, is a rolling admissions university. We welcome applicants to submit their applications to the university. A first-year student is any student attending college for the first time (not including dual-enrollment taken in high school), typically straight from high school or after a short time away from school.

Students are notified of admission as their files are completed and decisions are made. A successful St. Andrews student has a strong academic background, a record of involvement in co-curricular activities and a strong desire to contribute to the campus community. Please follow the links below for essential information about the St. Andrews undergraduate admissions process! We look forward to receiving your application!

Graduate Students

A graduate student is someone who has earned a bachelor’s degree and is pursuing additional education in a specific field. With small classes, our online graduate programs focus on the interdisciplinary nature of either business or education. The two Masters programs offered at St. Andrews are a Masters of Business Administration or a Masters of Education.

At St. Andrews, our Masters program is designed to be personal, convenient, flexible, and affordable. We want students to feel supported instead of stressed as they try to further their education. Classes are taught online to meet your busy schedule.

young women in business meeting

International Students

St. Andrews welcomes international students to join its campus. We have a long history of international students attending St. Andrews, as well as, a strong study abroad program.

At St. Andrews you experience close relationships with your professors who know you by name. St. Andrews appreciates and respects world cultures. Five percent of our student body comes from 26 different countries each year.

Online Students

Whether taking classes on campus or online, our mission is the same, to provide each student with the resources and learning opportunities necessary to acquire the skills, knowledge, and qualifications for a lifetime of success.

young man working on homework on laptop

Transfer Students

St. Andrews welcomes applications from all students interested in transferring from two-and four-year colleges and universities.

To be classified as a transfer student, students must have completed or be in the process of completing, 12 or more semester credits from an accredited institution.

Some of the benefits of transferring to St. Andrews:

  • Transparent Financial Pathway to Minimize Student Debt
  • Collaborative Academic Advising
  • Collaborative Financial Aid Counseling
  • St. Andrews is part of the NC Community College System and NC Independent Colleges & Universities Comprehensive Articulation  Agreement.

Transcript Evaluation

The acceptance and evaluation of credit for transfer is based on various factors, including: the level, content, quality, comparability, and degree program relevance of the proposed transfer credits; the institution’s accreditation/licensure; and assessment of course equivalency through evaluation of the transcript.

Transfer credits are accepted from Accredited Institutions for appropriate courses which will pertain to the declared degree at Webber International University (Webber) or its Carolina branch, St. Andrews. Courses with grades considered for transfer must have a grade of “C” or better. Courses with any other grade other than a C will not be considered. Pass/Fail courses are not considered for transfer.

Students who have earned an academic degree prior to attending Webber such as an AA, AS, BA, or BS may receive credit for a course with a grade of “D” if the course grade was earned within the degree. Course credits are transferred, but grades and quality points are not calculated in the GPA earned at Webber or its Carolina branch.

Adult Learners

St. Andrews allows “nontraditional students” or adult learners the opportunity to finish their college education through evening classes without disrupting a career or family life. Studies have shown that the number of adult learners attending college have increased at colleges and universities all over the US.

Classes at St. Andrews are tailor-made for adult students who’s professional and family lives may make the thought of attending traditional college classes a challenge. Classes are available online and in-person, as well as a hybrid schedule, allowing even the busiest among us to earn a degree. We recognize that finishing a degree or adding a second degree is necessary for career advancement.

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