Academic Calendar

Thursday-Sunday August 22-25 New Student Orientation
Monday August-26 Registration / Opening Convocation
Tuesday August-27 First day of residential and online classes
Tuesday – Thursday August 27 – Aug 29 Pass/Fail for Demi 1 courses
Tuesday – Wednesday August 27– Sept. 4 Pass/Fail for semester long courses
Thursday August-29 Last day to add or drop a Demi 1 or Session A course without a “W” grade
Friday August-30 “W” grades begin for Demi 1 and Session A courses
Monday September-02 Labor Day – NO CLASSES
Wednesday September-04 Last day to add or drop a semester long course without a “W” grade
Thursday September-05 “W” grades begin for semester long courses
Monday September-23 Demi 1 & Session A mid-term grades and semester early check point grades due (12:00 noon)
Monday September-30 Last day to withdraw from a Demi 1 & Session A course with a “W” grade
Tuesday October-01 WP/WF grades begin if a student withdraws from a Demi 1 or online course
Wednesday October-02 Spring and summer semester incompletes become “F” if not removed
Wednesday October-16 Last day Demi 1 and Session A
Thursday – Sunday October 17-20 Fall Break – NO CLASSES – Cafeteria CLOSED
Monday October-21 Mid-term grades for semester long courses and final grades for Demi 1 and Session A due (12:00 noon)
Monday October-21 First day Demi 2 & Session B
Monday – Wednesday October 21 – 23 Pass/Fail for Demi 2 courses
Wednesday October-23 Last day to add or drop a Demi 2 or Session B course without a “W” grade
Thursday October-24 “W” grades begin for Demi 2 and Session B courses
Monday – Friday October 28 – Nov 8 Advisement period for Advanced Registration Spring 2025
Friday November-08 Last day to withdraw from a semester long course with a “W” grade
Monday November-11 WP/WF grades begin if a student withdraws from a semester long course
Monday November-11 Demi 2 & Session B mid-term grades due (12:00 noon)
Monday November-25 Last day to withdraw from a Demi 2 or Session B course with a “W” grade
Tuesday November-26 WP/WF grades begin if a student withdraws from a Demi 2 & Session B course
Wednesday – Sunday November 27 – Dec 1 Thanksgiving Break –  NO CLASSES – Cafeteria CLOSED
Friday December-06 Last day to withdraw & last class day for Demi 2, Session B & semester long courses – grades of WP/WF apply
Monday – Thursday December 9 – 12 Final Exams (Demi 2, Session B & semester long courses) Cafeteria closes after last meal on Dec. 12
Friday December-13 Dorms close at 10:00 a.m.
Monday December-16 Final Grades due (12:00 noon) – Demi 2, Session B, and semester long courses
Monday – Friday November 25-Dec 17 Registration
Monday December-16 First day of Classes
Tuesday December-17 Last day to add or drop a course without a “W” grade
Friday December-27 Last day to withdraw with a “W” grade
Monday – Wednesday December 30 – Jan 1 WP/WF grades  if a student withdraws
Friday January-03 Last Day of Session
Monday January-06 Grades due (12:00 noon)
Monday January-06 New Student Orientation/Registration
Tuesday January-07 First day of class
Tuesday – Thursday January 7-9 Pass/Fail for Demi 1 courses
Tuesday – Wednesday January 7-15 Pass/Fail for semester long courses
Thursday January-09 Last day to add or drop a Demi 1 or Session A courses without a “W” grade
Friday January-10 “W” grades begin for Demi 1 or Session A courses
Wednesday January-15 Last day to add a semester long course or drop a semester long course without a “W” grade
Thursday January-16 “W” grades begin for semester long courses
Monday January-20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day – NO CLASSES
Tuesday February-04 Demi 1 and Session A mid-term and check points due (12:00 noon)
Tuesday February-11 Last day to withdraw from a Demi 1 or Session A course with a “W” grade
Wednesday February-12 WP/WF grades begin if a student withdraws from a Demi 1 & Session A course
Monday February-17 Fall semester incompletes become “F” if not removed
Friday February-28 Last day Demi 1 & Session A
Monday March-03 Mid-term grades and final Demi 1 & Session A grades due (12:00 noon)
Saturday – Sunday March 1 – March 9 Spring Break
Monday March-10 First day Demi 2 & Session B
Monday – Wednesday March 10-12 Pass/Fail for Demi 2 courses
Wednesday March-12 Last day to add or drop a Demi 2 or Session B course without a “W” grade
Thursday March-13 “W” grades begin for Demi 2 & Session B courses
Monday – Friday March 24 – April  4 Advisement period for Advanced Registration Fall 2025
Friday March-28 Last day to withdraw from a semester long course with a “W” grade
Monday March-31 WP/WF grades begin if a student withdraws from a semester long course
Tuesday April-01 Demi 2 and Session B mid-term grades due (12:00 noon)
Thursday April-10 Last day to withdraw from a Demi 2 or Session B course with a “W” grade
Monday April-14 WP/WF grades begin if a student withdraws from a Demi 2 or Session B course
Friday – Monday April 18 – April 21 Easter Break
Thursday April-24 Last class day & last day to withdraw for Demi 2, Session B & semester long courses – grades of WP/WF apply
Thursday April-24 Awards and Baccalaureate Ceremony
Friday April-25 Study Day – NO CLASSES
Saturday, Monday – Wed April 26, Apr 28 -Apr 30 Final Exams (Demi 2, Session B & semester long courses)
Thursday May-01 Senior grades due by 10:00 a.m.
Sunday May-04 Commencement
Monday May-05 Grades due (12:00 noon) – Demi 2, Session B & semester long courses
WednesdayMay-07Session A courses begin
FridayMay-09Last day to add or drop a course without a “W” grade
MondayMay-12“W” grades begin for courses
MondayMay-26Memorial Day Holiday – College Closed
WednesdayJune-04Mid-Term Grades Due
MondayJune-09Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” grade
TuesdayJune-10“WP/WF” grades begin for courses
FridayJune-20Last day to withdraw from a course with a “WP/WF” grade
FridayJune-27Last day of classes for Session A courses
MondayJune-30Final Grades Due by Noon
MondayJune-30Session B courses begin
WednesdayJuly-02Last day to add or drop a course without a “W” grade
ThursdayJuly-03“W” grades begin for courses
FridayJuly-04July 4th Holiday – College Closed
MondayJuly-28Mid-term Grades Due
MondayAugust-04Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” grade
TuesdayAugust-05“WP/WF” grades begin for courses
FridayAugust-15Last day to withdraw from a course with a “WP/WF” grade
WednesdayAugust-20Last day of classes for Session B courses
ThursdayAugust-21Grades Due by Noon


Academic Calendar

Education That Fits Your Life

We are excited about our newest location here in the Charlotte area and welcome you to become a part of the Knight Nation!

St. Andrews at Charlotte provides a unique opportunity for students to gain a depth of knowledge in their chosen subject area. Our professors go beyond just presenting the material in lecture form. Instead, they challenge students to think critically and express ideas clearly and effectively. We’ve found that our non-traditional students bring invaluable insights when relating classroom material to the real world because of their varied backgrounds and level of life experience.

Classes at St. Andrews are tailor-made for adult students whose professional and family lives may make attending traditional daytime classes a challenge. Classes are available online and in-person, as well as a hybrid schedule, allowing even the busiest among us to earn a degree. We recognize that finishing a degree or adding a second degree is necessary for career advancement. We believe that your current career or family life shouldn’t keep you from doing so. That’s why we offer this program.

14:1 Student/Faculty Ratio

Faculty bring real life experience into your classes. This will allow you to feel like you are not just a number.


We're a rolling admissions school with flexible class start options. We accept and start new courses every month.

Flexible Learning Formats

Online and in-seat class structure that makes getting your degree convenient for the adult learner. It’s education that puts you in control.

Affordable Tuition

90% of students receive some type of financial aid. St. Andrews is also military friendly and a member of the Service Members Opportunity Colleges Consortium.


Life at St. Andrews

Explore what campus life is like at St. Andrews

Our Program Offerings

threes students walking outside

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education

The Teacher Education major at St. Andrews University is designed and presented by expert educators who continue to be connected to public education, sharing a world of resources and opportunities to help you learn and grow.

If teaching is your calling, the Teacher Education program at St. Andrews has been designed with you in mind.

Master of Arts Degree in Education

The Master of Arts Degree in Education: Instructional Design and Curricular Supervision is a year-long, 6 block, intensive program for students who wish to advance themselves as instructional coordinators or supervising educators.

This program offered via the Teacher Education Department on the St. Andrews Campus in North Carolina will allow participants to acquire theoretical background in human learning, leadership for teaching and learning and develop skills for use in professional work regarding directorial oversight and design of training processes within a variety of organizations.

young business women sitting on the couch

Master of Arts in Business Administration, M.B.A.

At St. Andrews, our Masters program is designed to be personal, convenient, flexible, and affordable.

We want students to feel supported instead of stressed as they try to further their education. To earn an MBA at our university, students must complete 12 courses that total 36 graduate credit hours.

business men working on tablet

Business Administration, B.A.

At St. Andrews, you are not simply told about the world of business, you experience it. Whether it’s writing a marketing plan, developing a proposal for venture capital or trying to beat the pros in the stock market, your business classes will give you a “hands-on” feel for the business world and the valuable experience you need for success.

The St. Andrews business degree is flexible, so that after completing the business core, you have a choice of concentrating in one of five areas of study: accounting, economics, finance, management or marketing. Or you could choose to major in business with a specialized program of study in Equine Business Management, Therapeutic Riding Business Management, Sports Management or International Business. 

young woman working on desktop computer

Health Services Administration, B.A.

The St. Andrews’ Bachelor of Arts Degree in Health Services Administration (BAHSA) prepares students to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare delivery in diverse provider settings within the healthcare industry.

Health services professionals manage medical information and healthcare staff. They make hiring decisions and lead a team of healthcare workers. They make strategic decisions, lead projects, and manage budgets through their understanding of healthcare trends, quality assurance, ethical issues, public policy, management of key financial metrics, and risk management.

Education Is The Backbone Of Any Rewarding Career

The St. Andrews Difference

St. Andrews is focused on enabling its students for rewarding careers in their respective industries.

Students receiving one-on-one academic advising
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Students receive some form of financial aid
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Most programs available 100% online
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Transfer Partnerships

St. Andrews extends transfer partnerships to many of its neighboring colleges in the North Carolina and South Carolina area to break down educational barriers by increasing access to baccalaureate-degree programs through a seamless transfer.

charlotte cityscape at night