Articulation Agreement

I. Transferable Credits

General Education Core
Semester Hours: 44

Courses cannot be used to meet general education requirements and program requirements. The St. Andrews General Education requirements in the first two years, namely WRT 110, 120 and SAGE 230, are normally satisfied in the first and second year requirements at Community College.  The equivalencies are:

St. Andrews
WRT 110 and 120
SAGE 230

Community College
Eng. 111, 112, 113, or 114 (Choose 2)
Choose from a Historical or Humanities Perspective

Credit for the following Specialty Area and General Education requirements at St. Andrews may be achieved by completing equivalent courses at Community College as part of the elective credits requirements at Community College:

St. Andrews
His 201: American History Survey (3)*
His 202: American History Survey (3)*
Psy 101: Introduction to Psychology (3)*

CC Equivalent
HIS 131
HIS 132
PSY 150

*A grade of “C“ or above is required for all specialty courses. Total hours completed prior to enrollment at St. Andrews should be a total of 59.

II. Degree Completion

  1. Professional Studies for Education Majors
    • EDU 310: Curriculum and Instruction (3)
    • EDU 236: Technology for Educators (3)
    • EDU 250: Education, Culture & Diversity (3)
    • EDU 324: Educational Psychology (3)***
    • PSY  220: Child & Adolescent Div. (3)
    • EDU 352: Teachers as Leaders (3)
    • EDU 355: The Exceptional Child (3)***
  2. Pedagogical Studies
    Each individual education major requires specific pedagogical studies related to the program of study.*
  3. Professional Applications
    1. EDU 423:  Student Teaching (10)
    2. EDU 425:  Student Teaching Senior Seminar (2)
    3. EDU 344: Classroom Management (2)

* At least 120 semester hours are required to receive the Baccalaureate Degree. A major in Education may require additional courses to complete the program.
**A grade of “C” or above is required for all Professional Education Courses.
***Must be Formally Admitted to the Teacher Education Program.

D. St. Andrews General Education Requirements

  • Core Courses:  SAGE 381 (1) (Jr. Semester), SAGE 400 (3) (Sr. Semester) {(Specific to SA)}
  • Perspectives Courses (Generally satisfied through CC courses)
    Total Semester Hours Remaining at St. Andrews:  62-66