Transfer Students

St. Andrews welcomes applications from student who are interested in transferring from both two and four year colleges and universities. In order to be classified as a transfer student, students must have completed or be in the process of completing 12 or more semester credits from a regionally accredited institution. In addition to your application, requirements for admittance are:

  1. Completed Application
  2. Official academic transcripts from ALL colleges. (Transfers MUST be in good standing with last college attended)
  3. Official High School Transcript with Graduation Date, School Seal and Authorized signature
  4. (Test Optional) Official Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and/or American College Testing Assessment Program (ACT) unless the applicant has an Associate’s Degree, or if the applicant is older than 23; or if the applicant has more than 24 transferable credits with a college GPA of 2.5 or better. (Code numbers: SAT 5214 ACT 3146)
  5. Upon notification of admission, an enrollment deposit of $300 is required to hold your place in the entering class. Deposits are refundable until May 1st for Fall Applicants and refundable until October 1st for Spring Applicants.

Transcript Evaluation

Transfer credits from other regionally accredited institutions will be granted in full, provided that the courses taken correspond to work offered at St. Andrews. Courses passed with grades of C- or above are accepted in transfer. A maximum of 65 credits may be transferred from a two-year and/or technical college; a maximum of 90 credits may be transferred from a four-year institution or from a combination of the two. Final authority for transcript evaluation rests with the Office of the Registrar. It is the prerogative of individual departments to decide what previously taken courses will count towards a major or licensure program. Students are responsible for conferring with their academic advisors to determine the most appropriate means of satisfying major/licensure requirements.

St. Andrews and the North Carolina Community College System have an articulation agreement. An incoming transfer student who has earned an Associate in Arts or Science from a member of the North Carolina Community College System may expect to be a junior (up to 65 credits) upon admission if the student’s overall grade point average is 2.0 and grades of “C” or better in all ICAA courses have been earned. New transfers coming from the NC Community College System with an Associate in Arts or Science will be considered to have fulfilled our lower-division, institution-wide general education requirements. Students must have an overall grade point average of 2.0 and have earned a grade of C or better on all general education courses.

Students that do not complete a degree at a North Carolina Community College but who have fulfilled the General Education requirements will be considered to have fulfilled our lower division, institution-wide general education requirements, provided the student’s overall G.P.A. is 2.0 and all coursework has earned a grade of C or better. Those students will be awarded credit for any general education course.

St. Andrews is under no obligation, legal or otherwise, to accept academic credits of any institution except under reciprocal agreements.

Second Undergraduate Degree Students

Students seeking a second undergraduate degree are welcome at St. Andrews. If a student has a Bachelor’s degree from another college, he or she may earn a second Bachelor’s from St. Andrews. St. Andrews graduates may come back as special non-degree seeking students and take additional courses.

A student may earn a Bachelor’s degree from St. Andrews if he or she has received a Bachelor’s degree from another accredited college within the previous five years, by completing the following: all graduation requirements for a major, SAGE 381, SAGE 450, and complete a minimum of 30 credits at St. Andrews. If it has been longer than five years since a student received a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college other than St. Andrews, the student may be required to complete additional St. Andrews General Education Courses in addition to the requirements listed above.

Contact the Office of the Registrar at 910-277-3956.