SAGE 125

First-Year Experience

1.5 credits

First-Year Experience Seminars introduce students to college life, preparing them to meet the academic expectations and set the personal goals appropriate for their own education. As seminars, these courses emphasize careful reading, critical thinking, creative exploration, clear writing, and engaged discussion.

The seminars are built around three themes essential to the education enterprise and a humane life: a sense of place, a sense of self, and a sense of purpose. First-Year Experience Seminars are offered during the fall and spring term by faculty from across the curriculum, providing diversity of content and approach. However, all seminar sections are similar in the following ways.   

Each seminar encourages students to reflect on the academic enterprise and their goals for their education at SAU. Each seminar creates a sense of intellectual community and participation in a shared educational endeavor that shapes their experience at SAU.  Each seminar uses a variety of assignments that help students develop the academic skills and intellectual commitments necessary to be full participants in the educational opportunity SAU provides.  This course is required of all first-year students beginning in the fall 2015.  Students are not permitted to withdraw from this course.