Department of Natural and Life Sciences

Prepare for a Degree in the Vast Field of Science

A degree in science can lead you to many exciting careers. It’s up to you to choose your path. Perhaps you want to work in a pharmaceutical lab or process crime scene evidence. Maybe you want to start the journey toward medical or veterinary school.

Whatever you choose, St. Andrews University has a degree for you. Our department of Natural and Life Sciences prepares students for the workforce or for professional and graduate programs. You’ll get hands-on experience that will set you apart from other applicants as you graduate and take the next steps toward your dream career. Our programs are also rich with opportunities for study abroad and real-world internships. You’ll truly receive an education like no other at St. Andrews. Schedule a campus visit if you’d like to learn more.

Our Natural and Life Sciences Degree Programs

Explore the degree programs available in our sciences department and find one to help you succeed in your future career.

Important Information for Professional and Graduate Programs

Even if you plan to continue your education beyond an undergraduate degree, you have to start somewhere. Our undergraduate programs in science set you up for success in many graduate and professional programs. If you’re planning to continue to one of these programs, you’ve got to have all the information to ensure you’re prepared. We’ve compiled a list of facts and links to get you started on the right path. Read on to learn more.

MCAT – Medical College Admission Test

Required by almost all medical schools, the MCAT tests students for skills in physical sciences, verbal reasoning, biological sciences, critical analysis, and reasoning. Most students will take this exam during the spring semester of their junior year in college, but preparation should begin as early as the summer after your sophomore year. Learn more about the exam by visiting the Association of American Medical Colleges website.

AMCAS – American Medical College Application Service

This application service is a great tool for those students applying to medical school. The AMCAS helps student submit one application that will then be sent to multiple schools. Many medical schools will then send the student supplemental application materials to complete. It’s important to note that not all schools use the AMCAS, like many schools in Texas. They instead use the Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service (TMDSAS). Individual medical schools set application deadlines, so be sure you check each one to ensure you don’t miss any dates.

Additional Helpful Links for Pre-Med and Pre-Professional Students

General Medical Sites

Specialized Medical Sites

Preparatory Sites for Placement Exams

MCAT: Medical College Admission Test

DAT: Dental Admission Test

PCAT: Pharmacy College Admission Test

OAT: Optometry Admission Test