Study Hall Policies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Study Hall?

Study Hall is a structured time for studying, participating in tutoring, or completing homework. It is required for students to provide them with the opportunity to succeed academically. Students who are assigned to Study Hall must complete five hours per week.

Who has Study Hall?

  • All freshman with less than a 2.5 GPA
  • New Transfer Students with less than a 2.5 cumulative GPA
  • Academic Probation Students – Returning students with less than a 2.0 GPA

Where and How Do I Log Study Hall Hours?

The Study Hall week begins each Friday and ends Thursday evenings at 10:00 P.M. Students are responsible for logging in and out of the Learning Commons computer on the first floor of the Detamble Library.

What Activities Count as Credit Toward Study Hall?

  1. You can earn your study hall hours anytime the library is open:
    • 8:30am to 10:00pm Mon-Thurs;
    • 8:30-5:00 Fri; or
    • 4:00-10:00 Sun
  2. Participate in Coach Directed Team Study Hall and Team Travel
  3. Attend Tutoring or Engaged Instruction Sessions – Sign the attendance roster for each session. The EI instructor or Tutor will send the attendance roster to Academic Success after each session. We will enter your EI/Tutor time for you.
  4. Meet with your Professor or Advisor! Simply ask them to send me a brief email specifying the date and time of your meeting.
  5. Attend academic support workshops, seminars, and webinars. If study hall credit is offered, it will be announced. These workshops will be announced via email through the semester.

What is expected of me during Study Hall?

  • To bring homework to complete or assigned reading to complete
  • To refrain from distracting other students from completing their Study Hall Hours
  • If your cell phone is a distraction, you can leave it in your dorm

What How Can I be exempted from Study Hall?

To exempt Study Hall, the student must have a cumulative GPA 3.0 or higher at midterm and/or at the end of the semester.  The student must provide justification on why they should be allowed to be exempt.

  • The application is to be completed before the semester deadline for exemption requests.
  • The head coach must sign the application.
  • Submit the application to the Center of Academic Success on the second floor of the Library.
  • All applications will be reviewed by the SAU Athletic Director and/or designated review team.
  • The student will be notified as to the decision via SAU email.

Study Hall Exemption Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Student Name(Required)
Please enter name of sport (ex. Baseball), Equine, or 'Does not Apply' if you are neither an athlete or an equine student.
What year are you?(Required)
Have you received an attendance warning this semester?(Required)
(Please be specific, citing all relevant academic reasons.)
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