Library FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about library services and resources. For any additional questions, please come in the library, call us, or email us. We are happy to help you find what you need.

  1. Ask for help at the Information Desk.
  2. Contact Seth Allen, Librarian, by email, phone, or in person.
  3. Use the Research Guides for your subject areas.

Yes. The Library’s Web page, catalog, and Research Guides are all available from off campus with access to all online resources. Just use your campus user name ([email protected]) and password (Same as Microsoft365) when prompted. If you need help, see the Off Campus Research Guide. Students at Sandhills &  online students have easy access to all our digital resources

Course reserves are supplemental readings assigned by instructors. Often, professors will leave a printed copy in the library for students to read. Ask for Course Reserves at the Information Desk.

Use the Writing and Citing Guide. Make sure to find out from your professor what format is required (MLA, APA, CMS, etc.)



Use the search engine on the library homepage and click the ‘articles’ tab OR use the Research Guides to point you to the best databases in your subject area.

Use the search engine on the library homepage to locate books, both print and ebooks. You can limit your search to books or ebooks or select the books tab, from the library homepage, before you search.

Use the Library of Congress call number from WorldCat to find your books. Most of the Main Collection is on the 2nd floor. Ask for help at the Information Desk if you have any problems.

The library search engine allows you to search across all formats, then limit to the type you need. The Library owns hundreds of DVDs that can be checked out. Digital videos are accessible online using your St. Andrews user name and password.

You can click on the Request Item through Interlibrary Loan button in WorldCat. This service is only available to St. Andrews students, faculty, and staff. You can also fill out a form at the Library or contact email what you need to Seth Allen, Library Director.



Request items through the library search engine or contact Seth Allen by phone (5023), email, or in person. You will be notified through campus email when your item is ordered and received. There is no cost. You will be contacted if you submit more than 5 items at a time.

The best way is to use the Research Guides related to your subject (Business, Biology, etc). You can also view all the databases by subject or search across all the databases in WorldCat.

The Reynolds Reading Room on the 2nd floor is available for study or group work. Desks and tables on all floors provide study spaces for private or group study. On the second floor, you will find a great space with moveable furniture, whiteboards, and a large monitor you can plug into your devices.



Yes! We have Chromebooks, Dell Laptops, and ThinkPads. You can check these out at the front desk and use them in the Library.



You can check out library laptops and Chromebooks for four weeks (with one renewal). Use your current St. Andrews ID card at the Information Desk. Once you fill out the Laptop agreement, you are cleared to check out the laptops. Only current SAU students, faculty, and staff can check out laptops.



Use your current St. Andrews ID card at the Information Desk.



The Library has 3 printers available with wireless access that can print from all Library devices or your personal tablets or phones. If you have a problem, ask at the front desk. You must be connected to the Library’s WiFi network.



Yes, use your user name and password on our copier. You can only send documents to other St. Andrews Campus email addresses. If you need to send them elsewhere, send the document to yourself, and then you can send it to another address from your email.