Secondary Education (B.A.)

Teachers are the Architects of the Future

The B.A. program in Education with a Specialization Secondary Education prepares candidates to teach students in grades 9-12 using current research and data applicable to adolescent learners.

Program curriculum includes training pre-service candidates to apply an integrated approach to curriculum objectives and focuses on helping students expand the skills of middle grades learners in key areas such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creative problem solving. Pre-service teachers will develop competency in curriculum planning and implementation, as well as utilizing technological tools for both planning, instruction, and assessment.

A Good Education Can Change Anyone, A Good Teacher Can Change Everything

Program Highlights:

  • Hands-on field experience through exposure to a variety of educational settings and environments
  • Internship opportunities in local area schools
  • Small class sizes for individual instruction
  • Professors with real-world experience and knowledge of current educational trends

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the B.A. program in Education with a Specialization Secondary Education can apply their education to a wide range of careers:

Public School or Private School Teaching

Writers or Editors

Program Managers

Educational Consultants

Educational Sales Representatives

Instructional Designers

Adult Literacy Teachers at Community Colleges

Instructional Coaches

Private Tutors


Health or Recreational Trainers

Youth Camp Directors