Leadership Studies

A course of study that develops good decision making and presents an opportunity to consider the qualities of good leadership, this minor is an effective means to enhance a major.

The course of study focuses on creativity, understanding the value of diversity, an appreciation of international contexts, and the critical appraisal of leadership. Any student considering a career in public service or the private sector can benefit. Find updated course information in the Academic Catalog.

Learning Outcomes for the Leadership Studies Minor

Students will learn:

  • A variety of leadership styles
  • Methods of evaluating leadership effectiveness
  • Ethical issues encountered by leaders
  • Ways of effectively relate to and lead a diversity of persons

Requirements for the Leadership Studies Minor

The minor in Leadership Studies will be a contract minor of 22-25 credits within the following parameters:

  • An introductory course in leadership studies (1.5 or 3 credits)
  • At least two courses emphasizing creativity and skill acquisition (6 or 7 credits). Possible courses from current departmental offerings include:
    • ART 146: 2-D Design
    • GAM 100: Game Art Foundations
    • POL 323: Conflict Resolution
    • COM 110: Public Speaking

At least two courses focused on the study of diversity (6 credits). Possible courses from current departmental offerings include:

  • COM 227 Topics in Communication
  • WS 101: Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies
  • POL 266: Introduction to the Study of Sexual Politics OR
  • POL 323 Conflict Resolution
  • POL 366: Advanced Study in Sexual Politics
  • AS 101 or AS 102: Asian Studies
  • HIS 248: African American History Survey

Students in the Leadership Studies minor will be encouraged as part of their minor to take advantage of study abroad programs in Ecuador, China, Italy, and/or India

At least two courses providing examples of effective and ineffective leadership (6 credits). Possible courses from current departmental offerings include:

  • ENG 322: Shakespeare’s Tragedies
  • HIS 314: Bad Behavior
  • HIS 356: The Second World War and the Holocaust in Europe OR
  • HIS 357: The Second World War: Asia and the Pacific
  • POL 304: Democracies

For qualified students an internship (2 to 4 credits)

A capstone experience (1 to 3 credits). A synthesizing project in which the student in the minor reflects on leadership.