Cultural Studies

Minoring in Cultural Studies presents an opportunity to enhance a major through an appreciation of the Western tradition through the study of art, history, politics, and literature.

Becoming conversant in the foundational traditions of Western society offers students a means by which they might engage the world and discover connections about ideas and people across time. Prospective employers, networking contacts, and others who might influence the course of a person’s trajectory will often expect a working knowledge of these ideas. View updated course requirements in the Academic Catalog.

Learning Outcomes for the Cultural Studies Minor

Students completing the Cultural Studies minor will:

  • Gain familiarity with the history and heritage of Western traditions in the visual arts.
  • Gain familiarity with a range of music from the Western tradition.
  • Gain familiarity with representative works and authors from the Western literary tradition.
  • Develop an awareness of the importance of the past for its own sake and for its use in the present and future.
  • Become politically better-informed persons.
  • Be able to make connections among the various facets of Western culture.

Required Courses for the Cultural Studies Minor

  • ART 120/121 Art History I and Art History II (3 credits)
  • MUS 256 Introduction to Music Literature (3 credits)
  • ENG 209, or ENG 211, or ENG 241, or LIT 210 (3 credits)
  • HIS 201, or HIS 202, or HIS 214, or POL 201, or POL 211 (3 credits)
  • Three upper level (300 or 400) credits in ENG, RST, or PHI
  • Three upper level (300 or 400) credits in HIS
  • Three upper level (330 or 400) credits in POL