Creative Studies

An opportunity to develop a body of creative work for those students interested in art or creative writing, theater, or music, the Creative Studies Minor is a strong compliment to any major.

Students with vocationally oriented majors should give this serious consideration as it demonstrates a greater range of ability than such a major does by itself. Any student interested in these areas will find this minor provides a strong foundation that publicly demonstrates these areas of expression. Find updated course information in the Academic Catalog.

Learning Outcomes for the Creative Studies Minor

Students completing the Creative Studies minor will:

  • Put theory into practice in the creation of original work
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the history and heritage of Western tradition in the arts
  • Acquire competency with the tools and techniques associated with producing creative work

Requirements for the Creative Studies Minor

Art Area

Required Courses:

  • ART 120 Art History I (1.5 credits)
  • ART 121 Art History II (1.5 credits)
  • ART 361 Seminar in Modern Art (1.5 credits)
  • One of the following: ART 146, ART 147, or GAM 100 (3-4 credits)

Creative Writing Area

Required Courses:

  • CW 221 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 credits)
  • One symposium: CW 250, CW 255, or CW 260 (1.5 credits)
  • Two upper level  CW workshops: CW 413, CW 415, or CW 425 (6 credits)

Theatre Area

Required Course:

  • COM 181 Production Experience (1 credit)

Music Area

Required Courses:

  • MUS 110 Music Fundamentals (3 credits)
  • MUS 365 Selected Topics in Western Music (3 credits)
  • One of the following: MUS 115, MUS 120, MUS 130, or three credits of ensemble (Choir and/or Bagpipe) (3 credits)

Senior Capstone

A 2 credit Research practicum at the 498 level is required. The creative discipline will be determined by the student and his or her academic advisor.