Criminal Justice Management Specialization

Society depends on law, order and justice

Criminal justice professionals are some of the most important caretakers in a civilized society.

The B.A. program in Business Administration with a Specialization in Criminal Justice provides students with a foundation of general business principles as well as essential instruction in the fundamentals of criminal justice. Graduates of the program may pursue careers in law enforcement or a variety of other areas in the field of criminal justice.

Transform your future by protecting others

Program Highlights:

  • Students explore the fascinating elements of constitutional law, criminal law and procedure, crime scene investigations and more.
  • Internships in actual criminal justice operations.
  • Hands-on training in evidence collection, forensics and criminal investigations.
young woman looking through files at doctor's office

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Criminal Justice Management program can pursue a wide range of career paths including:

Law Enforcement

Corrections & Juvenile Corrections



Not-for-Profit Organizations

Graduate School

Robin Singeltary headshot
If you have any questions about our Criminal Justice Management specialization, email Professor Robin Singletary.