Areas of Support

Make a Difference Today!

See the different Areas of Support below, where you can designate your gift. You can select which area you would like to contribute to when making your gift online in the “Areas of Support” drop-down menu on the Giving Form.

The Forever St. Andrews Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the greatest need at St. Andrews. These funds are used for:

  • Financial aid for students
  • Campus improvements
  • Faculty and staff support
  • New technology updates


Every corner of the St. Andrews campus benefits from the Annual Fund. Students, professors, facilities, all receive additional support when you give. If you want to give to more specific causes, feel free to continue reading below.

UKnighted Capital Campaign

Raising Funds to Renovate Campus Facilities. This Includes The Belk Center, Dorms, Theater, and Other Buildings.

st. andrews equestrian logo

The Equestrian Program

St. Andrews University provides and supports horses for the Hunter Seat Team, the Western Team, the Dressage Team, the Therapeutic Horsemanship Program, the Pre-Vet Program, and the Lesson Program for all disciplines.  Our horses are the heart of our program and a huge part of our student’s success academically and competitively.   Horse Care is one of our top priorities, both for our St. Andrews horses as well as for teaching our students all that is involved in keeping horses healthy, sound, fit, and happy,  From routine vaccinations and Coggins Tests, to veterinary and chiropractic visits, to shoes, to grain and hay  (A LOT OF HAY), to equipment including halters, lead ropes, fly sheets, fly masks, fly spray, winter blankets, boots and polo wraps, saddles, saddle pads, to bits and bridles.  The needs are endless.

scottish heritage center panorama

The Scottish Heritage Center

The Scottish Heritage Center was created in 1989 to celebrate and preserve the Scottish and Presbyterian roots of St. Andrews University and the region in which it is located – which was at one time the largest settlement of Highland Scots in North America.  The Center contains a large collection of old and rare books and artifacts as well as current scholarship relating to Scotland and Scots in the Carolinas and provides historical interpretation and research assistance for hundreds of visitors each year.  The Center is also home to the SAU Pipe Band and headquarters for the Scotland County Highland Games.

Ride Like a Knight (Therapeutic Horsemanship)

Ride Like a Knight is the therapeutic horsemanship center of St. Andrews University. Located on campus in Laurinburg, North Carolina, we were the first Therapeutic Horsemanship center established as part of a degree program in the USA. Since 1998 we have served Scotland, Robeson, Richmond, and Marlboro counties in North and South Carolina by providing free and low-cost therapeutic horsemanship lessons to people with disabilities and special needs.

portrait of Rooney Coffman in science lab

Rooney Coffman Science Endowment Fund

Rooney Coffman ’68 has been a fixture at St. Andrews for over four decades. Every St. Andrews science student has been touched by his unflagging support for science courses, by his concern for his students, by his meticulous care of the science facilities and equipment, his dedication to training his student assistant “elves,” and by his can-do attitude and unfailing good cheer.

In recognition of Rooney’s dedicated service to St. Andrews, the Science Advisory Group proposed, and the University is proud to name the Science Sustaining Fund in his honor.
The Science Sustaining Fund will be used to support the Science Program at St. Andrews by:

  • Supporting Student Research Activities with travel funds and equipment support
  • Reagent and specialized equipment support
    Matching Funds for Grants.
  • Your support of science is vital to St. Andrews

Your donation will help support current student and faculty research and enrich the science curriculum.

Men's and Women's Athletics

Help finance expenses for travel, gear, and training equipment for over a dozen different sports.
