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EI and Tutoring Opportunities

Happy Sunday Knight Nation,

The Learning Commons is pleased to announce that EI and Tutors will be available in the library starting tomorrow, Sunday, September 15, 2024. Please check the attached schedule for EI and Tutoring opportunities.

Also, if anyone is interested in or knows someone who might be interested in tutoring for Microeconomics, please let me know. Students must have a 3.0 or higher GPA.

Tips from the Learning Commons – Academic Success

  • Take advantage of the free services!
  • Student athletes are reminded that they are expected to attend the EI/Tutoring/Writing Center sessions, when applicable, to earn Study Hall hours. Those options take priority over individual Study Hall.
  • On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, Early Checkpoint Grades will be posted on your Student Portal. Schedule a meeting with your Academic Advisor to discuss your Early Checkpoint Grades. Then, schedule the “required” meeting with Academic Success, if you are on Academic Warning or Academic Probation. We’ll either celebrate a job well done or help you with an improvement plan.
  • College work can be difficult, but if you ATTEND CLASS, stay informed, remain organized, STUDY, and submit assignments on time, it’s not hard to get good grades!

What can I do to improve my grades?

  • Prepare for class
  • Participate in class
  • Turn in or post work on time
  • Talk with my professors
  • Talk with my advisor
  • Ask questions
  • Check the SAU email regularly and respond (STAY INFOMED)
  • Use resources such as Tutoring through Academic Success, the Writing Center, and your professors’ office times!
  • Questions to ask yourself…
    • Am I working to my fullest potential?
    • Am I managing my time effectively?
    • Am I talking with my professors about the quality of my work?
    • Am I taking advantage of the free tutoring services?

Contact the Learning Commons if you need help in Math, Science, Writing, Spanish Translation, Economics, Accounting, Psychology, Business, Principles of Health and Fitness, Motor Development, Care of Athletic Injuries SPF courses, and many more content areas. Make your study time count! ontact the Learning Commons if you need help in Math, Science, Writing, Spanish Translation, Economics, Accounting, Psychology, Business, Principles of Health and Fitness, Motor Development, Care of Athletic Injuries SPF courses, and many more content areas. Make your study time count!

The Learning Commons located in DeTamble Library
Mondays – Thursdays – 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM
Fridays – 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Sundays – 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Let us know how to help!

Best regards,

Tonia L Hunt
Director of Academic Success
St. Andrews University
[email protected]
(910) 277-5161

EI and Tutor Sessions for Fall 2024.pdf
